Thursday, October 27, 2011

For my boys

Tonight as I laid between you two, Max falling asleep beside me in his bed and Jack on the floor asleep in his bouncer. I thought of how much I love you two and how it wont always be like that, me laying with my two sweet boys. You two will grow up and not need me to help you fall asleep. I laid there trying to soak it in, trying to make a memory to hold onto.
The sweet piano lullaby's playing, Jack's soft breathing, Max holding onto my arm.

I cannot express how much I love you two, I hope you sweet boys will always know how much I love you and how I would do anything to make you happy. I make sure to hug and kiss you two every chance I get and whisper in your ear "I love you my baby". I am excited to see my two boys grow up, you two just get more and more handsome everyday. But for now I can wait. For now I want to savor the smell of Jacks sweet breath when I kiss him and feel Max's cute little arms wrap around my neck when I kneel down to him. I am so lucky I have you two, my sweet boys.

Love, your mommy

1 comment:

  1. <3 oh Meaghan. You're always so sentimental, it's one of my favorite things about you.
